Woodend Bypass commitment for National’s first term

A National Government will build the Belfast to Pegasus Motorway including the Woodend Bypass, with construction starting in the first term of government, Waimakariri MP Matt Doocey says.  

National has announced its Transport for the Future plan, which will deliver new Roads of National Significance, better public transport and will rebuild regions and improve resilience. 

“Residents in Waimakariri will be aware of my work over the years highlighting the desperate need for the Woodend Bypass,” Doocey said.

“This is a town that has been increasingly split in two by the existing highway, and with the development growth particularly around Ravenswood and Pegasus, the road is only getting busier.

“I am thrilled we are nearing reality for the patient community of Woodend, as well as the large commuting contingent who drive in and out of Christchurch daily from around North Canterbury.”

The road is currently one of the most dangerous roads in Canterbury, with nine fatal and 33 serious crashes between 2000-2018, Doocey said.

“The bypass will make the world of difference for many, and improve safety significantly for Woodend residents.”

National has committed $270 million to the project to build the bypass and to extend the Christchurch Northern Corridor through to Pegasus, funded through the National Land Transport Fund and additional Crown capital.

“As evidenced by the huge turnout to my public rally in 2020, there is overwhelming local support for this bypass and I know it will be a game-changer for a vast number of people.”